Pasta is a favourite in our house and Cannelloni makes a nice change to lasagne. This vegetarian version is delicious. It is simple to make and looks amazing.
Ingredients (serves four)
8 sheets of fresh pasta sheet (lasagne sheets)
300g Spinach
1Tbsp Parmesan
125g Ricotta
500g Passata
1Tsp Oregano
Salt and Pepper
60g Cheddar cheese, Grated
What do we need?
Chopping board
Baking dish
1 medium mixing bowl
2 Large Mixing bowls
Large Sieve
What do we do?
Put the passata into one of the mixing bowls with ½ cup of water, some salt and pepper and oregano and stir
Put 1/4 spinach in a frying pan to wilt - make it smaller.
Put the spinach into a sieve, which is over a large bowl and use the tablespoon to squeeze out the water.
When the water is squeezed out, put the squeezed spinach into the other large mixing bowl.
Repeat steps 2-4 until all of the spinach is done.
Add the ricotta, and parmesan to the squeezed spinach and stir adding a little salt and pepper
Put half of the Tomato sauce in the base of the baking dish
Take a tablespoon of the spinach and ricotta filling and place on one of the lasagne sheets.
Roll the pasta so that it forms a tube and place into the baking dish, join side down
Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all of the pasta sheets are filled
Put the rest of the Tomato sauce over the top and then sprinkle with cheese
Optional extra - If you want to make this dish a bit more luxurious you can also add some cheese sauce on top (recipe is on cookingpioneers.co.uk). It becomes very cheesy – see the picture above
When you are ready to bake the dish
Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and cook for twenty minutes
Tia's tip
Use a fork to mix the ingredients together first and then get your hands in bring the dough together