Cooking Pioneers - Our Food Critics
All of mine have loved their cooking lessons and definitely tried lots of things they would never consider trying before! We’ve made a few things at home too
Amelia has loved doing cooking. She's enjoyed telling me about the things she's made and love that we get the recipes sent home as we've made a few things at home 😊 thank you for making it educational and fun for the children
"Just to say thank you for the cookery classes. Ruby is a reluctant chef and has never shown much interest in cooking but she’s loved cooking with you. She comes home full of enthusiasm to make the things you’ve made at school. She even got up extra early this morning to make avocado on toast with garlic for breakfast after yesterday’s class"
"The children absolutely loved it and it was great to stand back and watch them working so well as groups. We were so impressed with the sessions and the children gained so much from them...so thank you." Mrs Waters, Capel Primary School, who have employed Cooking Pioneers to teach once a week for a whole school year
I just wanted to say thank you so much. Joshua is loving the cookery lessons and is so excited about the food he is preparing. It's great to see him so interested and motivated. He struggles educationally and it's wonderful to find something that he enjoys so much.
Oliver was very excited. He told me about each thing he cooked and did the recipe again at home too!
"He's cooked two of the dishes from the class for his brother and sister. He wants to be more involved in cooking now and we have cooked all sorts of dishes."
"We have learnt loads, everything was new and fab! 100% recommend the club to friends "
"The lessons were very well planned and organised. Children were taught some invaluable life skills and thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience, a lot have talked about how they have gone home and tried out some of the recipes. One of our parents said it was alongside some of the best activities he has seen that we have arranged for children at Platt." Mrs Dyson Platt Church of England Primary School
We had the lovely Cheryl from Cooking Pioneers for our daughter's 12th Birthday. Cheryl set everything up with scales, chopping boards, aprons and hotplates. Extremely organised and fab for me as I didn't need to lift a finger! The children were even given their own folder with information and the recipes for the three course meal that they all cooked. A couple of the girls hadn't tried fajitas before and loved it. Would highly recommend as it's such a great way to get people together."
“Thank you for today. Nico loved it and was telling me how he will help me cook more often now.”
"Scarlett really enjoyed the sessions and wished for it to have been a permanent weekly session - either during school time or as an after school club. She now has more enthusiasm to be involved in making dinner with me which is fab. Thank you."
My class absolutely loved the cooking sessions. One of my parents said their child went home, stuck the recipe on the fridge and then they made it together the following weekend. Another parent said their children ate things they wouldn't have eaten at home, but because they made it themselves they tried it and liked it. Your sessions were very well organised and resourced and all the children learnt new skills. Working together as a team was great for my Year 2s as they find this quite challenging! They talked about each session for ages afterwards and were so excited for each one. Would love you to come back again!! Mrs Toombs Platt Church of England Primary School
“Emma had a really great time yesterday and has told us all about the things you taught her. Really impressed with how you managed the group and created such a relaxed and happy atmosphere.”
"Lydia was full of chat about the lessons and keen to cook all of the dishes at home but so far we have only had a chance to repeat a couple. She would have enjoyed more classes for sure!"