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Chocolate Mint Swiss Roll

Swiss roll is such a nice light desert to make and fun for the children with all the whipping and rolling. It also looks great at the end – it’s bound to wow even the harshest critic!



3 eggs

100g/ 4oz Caster Sugar

75g/ 3oz Plain Flour

30g/1oz Cocoa

1 Tsp Sugar




300ml Whipping Cream

3 bars of Mint Aero 

1 Tbsp Icing Sugar

What do we need?


  • Mixing Bowl

  • Electric Mixer

  • Weighing Scales

  • Tablespoon

  • Spatula

  • Baking Tray around 25 x 30cm

  • Greaseproof Paper

  • Sieve

Tia's tip


Don't worry if the sponge cracks a little you can cover it up with decoration

What do we do?

  • Turn the oven onto 200C

  • Grease the baking tray and line with greaseproof paper

  • Break the eggs into the mixing bowl and add the caster sugar

  • Measure out the flour and cocoa and put to one side

  • Use the electric mixer to whisk the eggs and sugar. You need to whisk until the mixture has thickened, doubled in size and gone pale in colour (ours took around 5 minutes)

  • Sieve the flour and cocoa into the bowl and stir gently with the tablespoon until just combined. Be careful you don’t want to knock the air out

  • Pour the mixture into the tin and flatten out with the spatula.

  • Put in the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes. It is ready to take out when the top is dry

  • While cooking tear of a second piece of greaseproof paper and sprinkle with sugar

  • Remove from the oven and turn out immediately onto the sugar covered paper

  • Gently remove the greaseproof paper from the bottom and start rolling

  • ​Use the paper underneath to help you roll it up.

  • Leave the greaseproof loosely covering the swiss roll and let it cool.

  • While cooling whisk up the cream with the icing sugar, until thickened

  • Take the chocolate bars and bash up with the rolling pin 

  • Once they are all broken up stir the chocolate into the cream

  • Gently unroll the cooled swiss roll and spread filling all over

  • Roll back up, gently

  • If you have any cream filling left you can use to decorate the top

  • Serve and enjoy!


Eat and enjoy!


IProperty of Cooking Pioneersy.

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