Everyone loves fresh cookies and this is a great recipe to ensure you can have fresh cookies whenever you want them. Make up a couple of batches, pop them in the freezer. When you want a fresh cookie cut some slices, pop on a tray to bake for 10 minutes and they are ready!
Tia's tip
You can add anything to these cookies to make them more yummy. we add any chocolate that we have in the house - even Easter eggs
75g/ 3oz Butter
150g/ 5oz Caster sugar
1 egg
175g/ 6oz plain flour
Pinch of salt
What do we need?
Mixing bowl
Weighing scales
Mixing spoon
Baking sheet for cooking
What do we do?
If you are going to cook the cookies straight away put the oven on 190C
Put the butter and sugar in the bowl and mix together until it goes pale in colour
Add the egg and mix well
Stir in the flour and pinch of salt
Remember if you are adding extra ingredients stir them in now.
If you are cooking the cookies now spoon them onto a baking sheet that has baking parchment on. You can flatten them down a little with a fork. Put in the oven and they will be ready in 10-12 minutes
If you are freezing them for later spoon all of the cookie dough onto two sheets of clingfilm. Roll around the cookie dough and tighten the ends to roll the dough into a sausage.
Freeze straight away
To cook later
Take the cookie dough from the freezer and leave at room temperature for 10 minutes.
Unwrap and cut slices 1cm thick. Place on the baking parchment on the baking sheet and cook for 10-12 minutes. You can re-freeze the rest of the dough if you only want to cook a few cookies at a time.
Property of Cooking Pioneers